Now Market

by VMtecnologia



Have you ever imagined having a more practical way added to the greater convenience to do your shopping, without leaving your home or business? With Now Market you have a market open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all with practicality and convenience.Now Market is a 100% autonomous market, which is why We Believe (We Believe), we believe in safety, practicality, innovation and in you.How it works? Its easy and just a few clicks:1. Go to a Now Market store;2. Download the Now Market app on the App Store or Google Play;3. After downloading the Now Market app, make registration simple and fast;4. Choose your products in our app or scan the barcode to add to our cart;5. Confirm your products in the cart, make the payment, and ready, just take it.See how easy it is!If we still do not serve your city, you can send an email to [email protected] saying where you would like to have a Now Market close to you. We are growing and we want to get there too.Doubts, compliments or complaints?Just talk to us via email [email protected] or send a Whats on the number (21) 97167-8182.Follow us: @ nowmarket.brNo boxes, no queues, no stress.Now Market your mini market!